Current Releases

The Magic Cave
The Harris twins, Alan and Samantha relocated from their beloved hometown of Glenville Place to Vance Falls. Along with their new friend Mark, they set off on an adventure to find a rumored cave.
More Adventures in The Magic Cave
The Jaeden Ring
The Land Below
The school term has come to an end and the Harris twins and Mark are eager to spend two glorious months exploring their magic cave. More adventures in distant and strange lands await them.
Once more the twins, Samantha and Alan, and their friend Mark, embark on adventures in The Magic Cave.
This time, however, it is less about fun and games and more about saving their beloved cave and Vance Falls from the creatures who threaten to destroy
Carlos, Pedro and their
mother belong to a race of
giants that live underneath
the Amazon rainforest in
Brazil. Juanita belonged to
the Macuxi tribe of the
Amazon forest. Through
a series of incidents, the
giants and the humans
eventually encounter each
other. Do they try to destroy
each other or become

A Magic Cave Christmas
Alan and Samantha are excited to spend their first
Christmas in Vance Falls. Together with their friend Mark, they are eager to continue their adventures in the magic cave.
Will they encounter Santa Claus? Or get to play in the snow and build a snowman.
Join the children on their Christmas adventures in
the magic cave.



I live on the beautiful Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago.
Two of my passions are writing and photography. Writing children's novels allows my imagination to roam free and my creativity flows.
I have been writing short stories from the age of 8 and my love for writing has grown over the years.
My first published novel is The Magic Cave (2010) with the other two books in the series, More Adventures in The Magic Cave and The Jaeden Ring following soon after.
In the future I hope to continue writing children's books but to also add Young Adult and Adult novels.
Where To Purchase
Hard copy books
Books can be purchased at bookstores across Trinidad & Tobago: Paper Based Bookstore, St. Anns
RIK Bookworld, All locations
Nigel R Khan Booksellers, All locations
Charran's Bookstores, All Locations
Rainy Days, Ellerslie Plaza
Book Emporium, California
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